1. Read story #4 and have six questions ready for discussion in class. Remember to keep questions open for many interpretations and be sure to have something to say about your own question so you can join in when necessary/appropriate...
2. Complete the online discussion by adding at least six more responses.
3. Take the "quiz"!! You need to finish it by Friday, November 15. The Elements of Fiction packet is your resource.
On Tuesday: We will be having a graded, full class discussion. If you struggle with when to jump in or what to say: think about how to over come that and....who in class can help you.
Example, for the past two years, I have had discussion buddies of 3 to 4 "open" the class discussion with prepared ideas to a pre-determined question and friendly support ready for one another. This works better than perhaps during a classroom discussion lull to shout out your (former) best friend's name and then ask an obscure question you don't even have an idea about.
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