I want to hear your stories!

As an educator interested in open and honest reflection on the realities of teaching, I DO want to know your stories, as you see them. Please follow this link to the anonymous form if you are willing to share. I am interested in the stories of students and parents.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

T-Day Break Reading Homework

You should have read through chapter 6 in The Great Gatsby when you come to class on Monday, December 2. Quiz, perhaps?

....of course there will be a quiz on Monday!!! If we have school on Monday then it means someone didn't snow dance and so "all shall be punish'ed."*

*the original version of Shakespeare's Prince Escalus' speech in Romeo and Juliet as passed down through my family:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punish'ed:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of school days and no snow.

T-Day Break Reading Homework

You should have read through chapter 6 in The Great Gatsby when you come to class on Monday, December 2. Quiz, perhaps?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Guest Speaker tomorrow!

Poet Laureate Kathleen Flenniken is visiting our class tomorrow. :)

Please read this brief bio about her and come to class with two questions read to ask her.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Three Day Weekend! Yee-haw!

For Tuesday: 
1. Read story #4 and have six questions ready for discussion in class. Remember to keep questions open for many interpretations and be sure to have something to say about your own question so you can join in when necessary/appropriate...

2. Complete the online discussion by adding at least six more responses. 

3. Take the "quiz"!! You need to finish it by Friday, November 15. The Elements of Fiction packet is your resource. 

On Tuesday: We will be having a graded, full class discussion. If you struggle with when to jump in or what to say: think about how to over come that and....who in class can help you

Example, for the past two years, I have had discussion buddies of 3 to 4 "open" the class discussion with prepared ideas to a pre-determined question and friendly support ready for one another. This works better than perhaps during a classroom discussion lull to shout out your (former) best friend's name and then ask an obscure question you don't even have an idea about.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Resources for Alice Munro

In doing my own research I came across some helpful links. Again, I don't post or share links that wouldn't be helpful for what you will be asked to do. I won't waste your time....promise. Have fun and let me know which link you liked and which one made you laugh (because I laughed during one of them). ;)  

1. This one shows an annotation of one of her stories. It was neat to see someone identifying areas of interaction/connection (writer's craft) and what they thought about it.  *Click on the red dots for the ideas.....

2. This next one is about her style and how much of a genius she is and why. I found some extremely helpful ideas that gave me a better platform to view her writing-- I could then "see" some of techniques that she's known for. This begins talking about "Carried Away"....

3. Finally, this last one focuses on the art and style of short story as a genre through Munro's writing. This article, as well, delves into "Carried Away" as the author discusses the art of short story.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Week of November 4-8 :)

Monday: Time in class to read stories 1, 2, and 3

Homework for the Week: Edmodo Discussions--Daily! 

Tuesday: Time in class to read stories 1, 2, and 3

Wednesday: Reading Day! 

Thursday: Time in class to read stories 1, 2, and 3

Friday: Munro Pre-Assessment In-Class Write