I want to hear your stories!

As an educator interested in open and honest reflection on the realities of teaching, I DO want to know your stories, as you see them. Please follow this link to the anonymous form if you are willing to share. I am interested in the stories of students and parents.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tuesday: Start Presentation

*Wednesday Reading Day
*Today: Using the handout you've been working with: create an insightful presentation about why your writer writes and what that means for "appreciation of writer's choices" while you read. Include 3 Costa's Questions that were particularly challenging and insightful towards the writer's aesthetic-- look at second definition: what is your writer's aesthetic and how is that helpful towards the "appreciation of writer's choices?

What will you need to accomplish today and Thursday to present a polished, stellar piece on Friday? Plan it out and stick to it!

Use the rubric to give additional insight into what to include and delve into for a stellar score.

Ideas: Demonstrates strong knowledge of the writer’s aesthetic (look up if you don't know this word). Effectively uses quotes from the interview to support ideas. An articulate, open-minded presentation of the writer. 

Multimedia: All images, sounds, and programs enhance the ideas and allow for an expression of ideas. There are no technical difficulties.  -not all presentations are enhanced by powerpoint and not all images are insightful (how does a picture of Morrison add insight or intellectual depth? It doesn't.)

Presentation of Ideas: All group members speak clearly with strong and convincing voice and purpose. Presentation is seamless and clearly planned and practiced (how can you make sure this is a high score? What does this look like to achieve? If your group is going to practice it together-- when does the presentation need to be completed?).  
     -whom ever is present that day is presenting, regardless. It would be an act of kindness to give everyone access to the presentation so they don't have to recall the ideas on their own. Also, include everyone in all ideas so the one or two people left to present don't misrepresent the group.

Conventions: spell and grammar check both spoken and written- use elevated academic voice (not casual speak)

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